Friday, August 12, 2011

The Forest or the Trees?

****Respond to this post using the 3.8 format. Remember, there is a PowerPoint on the class website that reviews this format.

Think about the timeline activity you completed in class. Many of you knew some general information about those events, but did not know the specifics of each event. In this class we will endeavor to learn about both the general and the specifics of history and literature. Do you think it is more important know general information about these topics or is it more important to understand the specific facts? Explain your response in a 3.8 paragraph.


  1. The general concept is the broad knowledge of a situation that is used everyday by everyone. Yet if they want to know the whole overview of a specific topic. For example, 9-11. The general impression is of the Twin Towers being targeted and it being acquired by the Terrorists. Now Terrorists is the general overview, while the specifics is that it is just one specific group of their ethnicity not them as a whole. Thus far, we still haven’t been able to conclude what had actually driven them to succeed in taking so many lives. On the other hand, we view them as Terrorists. People that are “barbaric” and have no want to make peace or draw an alliance for the greater good. We don’t see their point of view on us; we have our biases opinions that we THINK of how they may see us as American citizens. For instance, we come into their land, their territory with men and women armed with rifles. The general view in their perspective is us invading on their property while our view is trying to keep our way of life safe. In conclusion, one could say that the general perspective either depends on the topic or standing point of a person and their beliefs of politics, the economy or something little. If you use the specific details it can obtain a life changing decision that could better ones future.

  2. I feel it is important to understand the specific facts. I feel this way because history is the recording of events in time. history deals with the real facts and events that happens in the world, and can be a reminder of our disappointments and failures. I also feel this way because with specifics you will know what really happened and when instead of the general information that might not be true. Another reason i feel this way is because with specifics you have the information in chronological order and will be easier to understand. These are the reasons i feel its important to know the specific facts in history and literature.

  3. I think it is more important to know the specific events of history than the big picture. One reason i think this is because without some of the events in history America might not be the same place it is today. An example of this is if America never had the civil war there might still be slavery in some parts of America today. Another reason i think this is because people who dont know much about history dont know the journey our countries been on to become what it is today. Like the wars, treaties, and presidents. Lastly without knowing the specific events of history, people might forget what has happened and it might happen again. The point of learning history is to educate yourself so the bad things that have happened dont happen again. The big picture is where we are, but we cant forget where we came from.

  4. I think it’s more important to know both the specific events and the Big events. One reason i think this, is because the little events led up to the big events. An example is if America didn't have immigrants then there wouldn't have been The Naturalization act of 1795. Another reason i think this is because the specific event provides details as with the general overview you don't exactly know what specifically happened or what was going on during that time period. An example is if you just say Cold War you wouldn't know what caused this event if history wasn't recorded. Lastly i think this because the big events sum it all up but the little events expand the big events into all little things that caused it. Like the Civil War sums up all the little events that happened with slavery in that time period. So little and big events are important because that's what shaped the America we live in today.

  5. I think it's important to understand the specific facts rather than the "big picture." I feel this way because I think it's important for people to understand the specific details to what led up to an event in history. For example take our country's independence. Everyone knows that July 4th, 1776 is the day our "Founding Fathers" declared our independence from the king of England, but not everyone knows the little details to what led to having them wanting to break away. Another reason why I feel this to be true is so you'll know the details in order so then you'll be able to learn and understand better. It's basically all one big story book. The last reason why I believe this is so then we can be reminded of what has happened and we'll know the consequences so then we won't repeat them and do it again. These are the reason why I believe it's important to know the specifics.

  6. I feel its more important to know the specific details of an event. Specific details because this is what makes the general events bolder. The specific details are what make the general outlooks on events. For example, the holocaust, everyone knows that the Nazi rebels attacked a specific race but that would be all they know. To understand true history and the events we as Americans have been through over the thousands of years, we have to look at the specifics in the situations. The general ideal outlook on a situation is also important because they are the titles of the situations, basically like a brief summary of what is going on. Another example would be how we fought in the wars. Its not just that we fought a couple battles and won, we won rights for our people. People need to know what really happened in the past so it wouldn't happen again. Lastly, the many treaties our presidents and governors have signed. The general ideal would be that they signed the treaty and moved on with their lives. When in reality, they signed their lives because not only did they sign their names but they signed something they believed in. They knew what the outcomes could be but still signed it. People should look past the titles and actually do some research about the country they live in and land they live on.

  7. I feel that it is more important to know the specific details, instead of just knowing the big picture. You learn more knowing specific details about events. another reason its more important to know specific details, is because it helps you understand the event better. like when and why something occured. another reason is because everyone knows the big picture, but to really learn about the events in history you have to look at the little specific details. for example, everyone knows about 9-11, but unless you know all the little details, some people dont know exactly why it happened. but since i have learned about it, i know why it occured. all of these things are reasons why i think the specific details are more important.

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  10. When it comes to looking at the specific details or the big picture I strongly believe you should look at the specific details. The first reason I believe this is when you hear about the constitution not everybody knows the specific details behind it. For example examining it from all sides and comparing all of it's parts help to determine the effects it will likely have on our nation and what events led up to the writing of the constitution. The second reason I believe you should look at the specific details is to understand where the ideas came from. For example the founding fathers all had strong and differently views based on their individual beliefs. Knowing their background would help us to better understand why specific items where placed in the constitution. The last reason I believe it is better to look at the specific details in history is to understand more and learn greater things. This is because when you learn about the specific details that led to an event you understand why that event happened and the after math of it. These are all the reasons I believe it is better to look at the specific details in history.

  11. I believe that it is not important to know the specifics.
    Most of the general public is not going to care much about the details but would like to know a few facts about how their country came to be what it is.
    Not everyone has the time to learn all the details and don't care much and would rather spend time on things they like/care about.
    People are okay not knowing the details, for the general public, not knowing every specific detail is not going to change their life or anyone else's.
    When I think of 9-11 or any other tragic event throughout history, I don't think about all the specific unimportant(in my opinion)details.
    I am thinking more about who did it and whether or not it is effecting anyone's life today. All the little details are not that important.
    If you are a historian, teacher, politician or just interested in Americas history, then you might want to know the details. for our average american, the details don't mean much.

  12. I think its much more important to get the big picture of this than to get all caught up in the facts. As long as you know the general idea you can always look up facts and details later. Its much better to know why the cold war started rather than how many died resulting form it. Also, what good is it to know facts if you have no clue of the context. If you just knew random facts how smart does that make you? Last, it much more important to understand the emotion involved in past event. I rather connect with the story than learn statistics. That help me understand the importance of what has happened in the past.

  13. I feel its more important to know specific facts then the big picture. The big picture in history is what stands out the most, but specific detail to me leads up to the big events. In 1607 Virginia was founded. During that time, the main crop was tobacco. Growing tobacco needed laborers, which led up to slavery. This describes details leading to general info. Without the information you wouldnt be able to understand why events took place. Another reason I feel its more important is because without it, history would be out of place. Its like, when you growing up, if people didnt understand you past then they wouldnt understand you and why your the way you are. Lastly, I feel its like taking out the real important parts/events of history! If you only example the "good" parts, you wont understand history itself. Inconclusion, I feel this is why specific facts are better.

  14. I think that the specific facts are more important. By knowing the specific facts it helps you understand the events better. For example by knowing the specific facts of an event such as thanksgiving, we understand and appreciate the day much more. I believe if you learn specific facts of certain important events in American or world history you will maintain that event and be able to recall the event the rest of your life. Most people will remember 9-11 because the facts have been stated many times. Events like certain presidential races are not known by most people because they do know the specifics of the event. Specific facts will help us decide how we feel about the event, do we believe it was good or bad for history, right or wrong. The close presidential race on 2000 was a learning experience for many and by knowing the specifics we can decide if we think it was handle the right way. For these reasons I believe that specifics are more important then the general information.

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  16. I feel that the specific facts are more important. The specific facts tells us exactly what happened in our history. The general information just describes it. The specific information explains in full detail. Another reason I think this is because we might not be what we are today without knowing important facts. For example, "twin towers." If we didnt know the main points then we wouldnt have good security on everything now. Another reason is because everything int the past has been involved in the future. For example, Benjamin Franklin created electricity. If he didn't, then we couldn't cook our food in a microwave or oven, or keep it cold in the refrigerator. We would have to always heat it over a fire. People need to realize that the history is important because we could use it to help us get to the future.

  17. I think it's better to know the general facts rather than the specific details. It's better to because you get a better outlook at the "big picture", you see can see it from a better point of view, and you don't always remember the little details of the events. The first reason is that you get a better outlook on the "big picture". This is because if you look at something too closely, you can't always tell what you are looking at. The next reason it's better to know the general information is you can see it from a better view. The reason is because you can look at things from many perspectives. The last reason is you don't always remember the little details of things. This is because some of the little details aren't as important as the the main topic. As you can see, this is my reasoning for knowing the general information rather than the specific details.

  18. I think it is important to know the specific events in history, not
    just the "big picture". When history is recorded, it's usually
    recorded for a reason. You don't open the newspaper and read about
    someone getting a haircut. You read about events that could be life
    changing. It's recorded for a reason. It's also about the specific
    events because when you hear about slavery or the holocaust, you know
    it's bad and it shouldn't happen again. But if you didn't look at the
    specifics, you wouldn't know why it happened, people's struggles, or
    understand how far society has come. Lastly, I can tell you what war
    happened when but I can't tell you why. Until you study each specific
    event, you dont know what each side was fighting for or to even think
    about how today's society could be different if we didn't fight for
    our rights. I think the specific events are more important than the
    "big picture" so you understand how far people have come, how we are
    lucky to have the rigths that we have, and to understand what makes
    our country up.
    -Summer Houston

  19. I think it is important to know at least some of the events. People need to know the history of America. Mostly to know we have come from. It is always nice to know what has happened in Americas past. So we can recall what the past is like. We can learn from the past for future use. We don’t want to make the same mistakes twice. These are the reasons I think we should at least remember some of the events from the past.

  20. I think it is more important to know the small details over the big picture.
    If we as people that were not at that event or during that time period then we wouldn't know as much.
    Let's say there were no Jews that survived the holocaust, then people would not know near as much about what happened & how Jews were treated.
    Small pieces of info here & there create a big story, or an event.
    If we didn't know how slaves were treated & forced to work then we would have never known how harsh they had it, therefore slavery could still be around today.
    The small pieces eventually come together like puzzle pieces to form one big picture, or idea.
    If we as Americans didn't know that we descended from several different backgrounds & histories then we wouldn't know what to be or who we were today.
    If we as people did not know all of the small details & pieces of info then we couldn't make up one big picture today.


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