Friday, August 12, 2011

The Forest or the Trees?

****Respond to this post using the 3.8 format. Remember, there is a PowerPoint on the class website that reviews this format.

Think about the timeline activity you completed in class. Many of you knew some general information about those events, but did not know the specifics of each event. In this class we will endeavor to learn about both the general and the specifics of history and literature. Do you think it is more important know general information about these topics or is it more important to understand the specific facts? Explain your response in a 3.8 paragraph.

"America is an idea as much as it is a country."

What does this quote mean? Thinking about what we have learned this week (What is America?; What does an American look like?; Define Your Nation) analyze the quote.

Your organized and thoughtful. It must be at least 100 words.